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Christmas Raffle

Christmas Raffle 2023 

The Parent Fundraising team have been busy organising this year’s raffle.  

We are thrilled to have received a donation of scooter accessories from Micro Scooters. Renowned for revolutionising the school run, Micro Scooters make getting from A-B quicker, cleaner, greener, healthier, and more fun.  

We are so grateful to all the businesses that have donated prizes this year. Without their help we would not be able to have the draw, which always raises lots of money to support our children at Pilton Bluecoat Academy. Thank you so very much to the following: 



Scott Cinema 


RHS Rosemoor  

Combe Martin Wildlife & Dinosaur Park  

Let’s Go Barnstaple 

The Milky Way 

Hocking’s Ice Cream  

Serenity Body & Beauty Salon  


Fullabrook Firs 


Easiglide Segway  


Cross Fit AON 

Atlantic Spirit   

Pig and Olive  

Tarka Leisure  

Lynton & Barnstaple Railway  

Watermouth Castle  



The Entertainer  

Devonshire Tennis Academy  

Tarka Pottery  


Tickets will be available to purchase shortly. The draw will take place at the Christmas Fair on Friday 8th December. Good luck!