Coffee & Craft Afternoon

Christmas Craft & Coffee Afternoon
You are invited to our Christmas Craft & Coffee Afternoon
Monday 12th December 2016
1 - 3pm
You are invited to come in and join your child in making Christmas crafts whilst enjoying tea/coffee and cakes. They will also be some Christmassy stalls for you to purchase some gifts.
Each year group will be in the hall in the time slots listed below:
Year 3’s : 1 - 1.30pm Year 4’s : 1.30 - 2pm
Year 5’s : 2 - 2.30pm Year 6’s : 2.30 - 3pm
If you are able to donate any cakes, please bring them to the school office on 12th December.
If you are able to help serve refreshments or sit on a craft table please can you inform the school office.