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Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding & Child Protection


      Pilton Bluecoat Safeguarding Officers

      Lead:                ian Thomas                                                          Chief Executive Officer  

      Deputies:      Mat Harts                                                             Head of School

                                  CLAIRE Gregory & JOSETTE ARNOLD       Pupil/Parent Support

The schools within TEAM Multi-Adacemy Trust are committed to child protection and safeguarding. We follow all statutory guidelines as well as our own policies and procedures. Our policies are published online and hard copies are available from the school office.  We will act to protect a child where there is a disclosure or concern about abuse. The categories of abuse recognised by Social Services would be neglect, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.


Safeguarding protects children beyond the four areas of abuse that must be reported to MASH. We consider safeguarding in all aspects of school life and have procedures in place to ensure that, as far as possible, 0ur children continue to be safe from harm or neglect.

The Devon Safeguarding Children Board has an Early Help strategy to protect children or young people in Devon and provide help and advice to families as soon as they need it. Early Help is about more than child protection: it is about making sure that children living in Devon are safe, happy, healthy and well educated. Early Help co-ordinators work across Devon to ensure that those children and families needing help are receiving it from the right professionals. If you feel that your family would benefit from Early Help, please contact a Designated Offer at your child’s school.

For additional support and advice, click on the link to the attached documents,

'Keeping Children Safe In Education'